We are currently looking for Dealers in this Location.
In the meantime you can contact our main office for more information.
Become A Dealer : Low Risk Business Opportunity With Assets Worth Over 1,000,000
We are currently looking for new EXCLUSIVE dealers in many areas of Thailand. If you are looking for something NEW and EXCITING to do then Container Kings could be for you. Why invest in a high risk business such as a Bar or Restaurant which takes a lot of work for a little return. Having a container business is a perfect solution.
The container and self-storage business is booming and you can be part of it. Not only do you have ASSETS worth a lot of money, if you wish to sell up at a later date you can sell those assets back to us.
Call Us Now To Discuss This Great Opportunity
A Great Opportunity With Actual Assets
As an Exclusive Dealer you will have your own exclusive territory and we pass you the leads as well as you generating your own PLUS you also earn from other dealers in other territories.
As a dealer you get a full turn key business which includes :-
- A range of sample container homes and commercial units to display at your location.
- Access to our factory / offices for meetings / show arounds etc.
- Full CAD Design services for all projects & Full Techincal Support’
- All sales enquiries generated within your territory passed directly to you from all other dealers and head office.
- Centralised website and online marketing.
- Centralised sales department as well as your own.
- Full support of head office and other dealers.
- Full access to our dealer areas which contain floor plans, business forms and other useful material.
- A Thai Registered Company.
- A NON-Immigrant “B” type Visa. (If Required)
- Work Permit for 1 Expat Staff Member
- Full Training On Container Home Construction Techniques and Sales
- All documentation and literature
- Full CAD Design services for all projects & Full Techincal Support
- Sales & Marketing Design Service
- Sales Leads & Referrals for all Work within Appointed Territory
- Specially Designed “Exclusive Model” homes.
- Commission on any sales referrals for projects outside of the Appointed Territory.
Call Us Now For More Information